Effects of E-Cigarettes on Oral Health

Effects of E-Cigarettes on Oral Health

The dangers of smoking cigarettes are well-known, and there have been numerous ad campaigns to warn the general public about these dangers. However, in recent years, many people have been turning to electronic cigarettes. E-cigarettes have been marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes since the electronic version converts nicotine into vapor as opposed to smoke. This way, users can get their nicotine fix without inhaling all of the harmful carcinogens. But it is important to keep in mind that e-cigarettes are still fairly new, and there is still a lot we do not know about them when it comes to your oral health.

A common misconception is that nicotine is a carcinogen, but it is not. There are 7,000 other chemicals in combustible cigarettes, and at least 70 of them are known to be carcinogens and are responsible for tobacco-related death and disease. At its core, an e-cigarette delivers the same compounds to your system, making you susceptible to the same health risks as regular cigarettes. And although manufacturers will claim that e-cigarettes are healthier than regular cigarettes, more research needs to be done to back up these claims.

The best way to stay healthy is to just avoid tobacco products altogether, but for someone who is already smoking, that may not be the easiest thing. There are certain measures you can take to protect your oral health until you quit. The American Dental Association recommends seeing a dentist once every six months, but you may want to consider seeing a dentist more often so that your dental health can be regularly examined.