Effects of Heavy Drinking on Oral Cancer Risk

Effects of Heavy Drinking on Oral Cancer Risk

Tobacco use has commonly been linked to an increased risk of many forms of cancer, but when it comes to oral cancer, both tobacco users and heavy drinkers have an increased risk. Smokers are at a higher-than-average risk of developing oral cancer, but if they drink, their risk can skyrocket.

A study performed more than 30 years ago revealed that non-drinkers and non-smokers were significantly less likely to develop oral cancer than those who did smoke, drink or do both. Researchers theorized that this was due to the fact that alcohol tends to dehydrate cells, which allows tobacco carcinogens to more easily penetrate the tissues of the mouth. Those who drink heavily are also more likely to suffer certain nutritional deficiencies that can allow cancers to form more easily.

Although oral cancer has an 80 to 90 percent survival rate when diagnosed at its earliest stages, most oral cancers are not found until they have advanced. Overall, the survival rate of oral cancer is just 55 percent at five years post-diagnosis, according to the Oral Cancer Foundation. Increased awareness and screening are essential to improved outcomes, and reducing or eliminating your use of tobacco and alcohol can significantly and immediately reduce your risk of developing oral cancer.