How Bad Gums Can Affect You
Few things indicate future health as well as gum health. Healthy gums are pink and fit tightly around your teeth. Unhealthy gums tend to be swollen, prone to bleeding, easily irritated and inflamed. Unhealthy gums might be an early warning sign of future health problems.
Gums are highly sensitive to the presence of certain oral bacteria. Bacteria occur naturally in the mouth, but when they build up to unhealthy levels, they can infect the gum tissue. The body’s natural inflammatory response combats the infection, but over time, it also breaks down the gum tissue and the other tissues that support the teeth. In fact, gum disease along with tooth decay is to blame for nine out of 10 lost teeth.
Tooth loss is not the only problem associated with gum disease. Once the bacteria responsible for the infection cross into the bloodstream or are breathed into the lungs, they can increase the risk of serious health problems elsewhere in the body, including:
• Heart disease• Diabetes• Osteoporosis• Respiratory disease• Cancer
Prevention is ideal when it comes to periodontal disease. Good dental habits at home can keep plaque buildup under control and reduce bacterial colonies. Brush and floss as recommended, and schedule periodic dental checkups. Eat a balanced diet to ensure your gums have all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. If you see symptoms of gum disease, schedule an appointment for a complete periodontal evaluation or periodontal cleaning as soon as possible. Call our office today to learn more.