Smoking and Poor Dental Health
Smoking has been linked with numerous health conditions ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer. Smoking has also been linked with serious dental health conditions. Our West Hollywood dentist encourages tobacco users to learn about the risks so that they can take a proactive approach to reduce their risks.
According to a report recently issued by the National Center for Health Statistics, smokers are four times more likely to suffer from poor dental health than those who have never smoked. Smokers are also more likely to have more dental health problems and delay treatment due to concerns about cost. In fact, according to the report, 20 percent of current smokers have not had a dental visit in more than five years, and some of them have never visited their dentists. Smoking can delay healing after dental treatments. Tobacco use increases your risk of cavities, oral cancer and periodontal disease, and periodontal disease has been linked to diabetes, heart disease and dementia.
Tobacco users may also experience more problems with their smile’s appearance. Chronic bad breath, a receding gumline and stained teeth are all common problems. If you smoke, good dental hygiene and regular visits to our dentist can help you better manage your risks. Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise may also help you maintain better dental health. However, quitting smoking altogether is the best way for you to preserve your dental health.
Contact our office to learn more about how you can quit smoking and save your dental health or to schedule an appointment with our dentist.