Why Regular Dental Brushing Can Help Your Heart
Do you put your heart into your tooth brushing? According to research, putting your best effort into your brushing could pay dividends not just for your smile but also for your heart. Research reveals that without good dental hygiene, your cardiovascular system could be vulnerable to attack by up to 700 strains of oral bacteria. This is one reason good dental hygiene is so important.
Some oral bacteria have been linked to hardening of the arteries. These bacteria cause the body to respond by building up plaque in the arteries. Although this plaque is different from dental plaque, it can do serious damage that can ultimately result in a heart attack or stroke. Regular thorough brushing can help keep that bacteria under control and may just reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.
The best way to brush your teeth is to use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Oscillating and rotating head powered toothbrushes can be highly effective against plaque and oral bacteria, but manual toothbrushes can also be effective if you use them properly. Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle, and brush gently while aiming the brush at both the tooth and the gum line. Brush all your teeth and each surface of your teeth. Clean between your teeth with an interdental cleaner or dental floss. Using an antibacterial mouthwash can help kill even more germs and give you fresh breath.
Call our office today to learn more about how a healthy smile can lead to a healthy body or to schedule your next dental cleaning.